Ver 1.0
a) Develop a web access portal to begin to share information.
To initially include:
- Information about the IFAWG (Mission, Terms of Reference, Action Plan, Contacts)
- Aviation Safety information
- Links to key agencies and stakeholders
and extended in due course to include:
- Data regarding:
- Aircraft usage
- Safety occurrences
b) Develop voluntary guidelines to assist with harmonisation, standardisation and promotion of best-practice.
Priorities for development of voluntary guidelines:
- Standard terminology
- Pilot competency criteria and training standards
- Competencies for support positions (ie fire agency personnel managing and supporting aviation operations)
- Protective clothing and equipment for aircraft crews
- Flight following and reporting
- Approaches to management of fatigue
c) Create comparison matrices for operations and safety issues. These matrices will identify gaps between countries and will facilitate the bridging requirements for safe exchange of aviation resources
d) Share standards and best practices for operations and training allowing developing and existing programs to “cherry pick” the best offerings of participating entities to enhance their own programs. Note: This approach does allow for harmonisation of standards over time.
e) Share lessons learned.
f) Create standard reporting criteria for accidents and incidents. (for inclusion and adoption through voluntary guidelines, not to replace or superimpose national reporting; aiming to minimise reporting burden).
g) Develop statistical data collection standards that would facilitate the collection and analysis of mission statistics and safety incidents in the future.
h) Identify areas where standardisation and harmonisation of operating practices may be of benefit.